Apps are Making us Better People

A role of an actor is to capture the essence of the character they're trying to play. If you think of the trope of "actors trying to make it", you'll often see them showing their "range", which is a typically done with a series of photographs showing various emotional states. Typically, actors would work for years to get this right, developings these expressions in front of a the mirror. However, times have changed. Now everyone has a decently quality forward-facing camera in their pocket. And boy do we know it. As a society in recent years, we've been obsessed with that small camera. The one tiny technological change that will define a generation. "Selfies" are so commonplace, that even those quotes around the word were perhaps unnecessary. These photos of one's own expression, typically reacting to a situation are now so commonplace, even my parents are beginning to take them.

But it doesn't just stop with the camera app built into your smartphone. Snapchat, an app that's come almost out of nowhere (since ~2014) promoted selfies and reactions that can be read in a small timeframe. The metric for a great snapchat is being able to understand it fully before the timer runs out. It's not just Snapchat, one could argue Vine and YouTube did this as well. Another great example is, an app for recording yourself lip syncing – How is it we can convey so much with just a silent movement of our lips?

I believe a generation of kids and young adults are now training themselves in the fine art of expression. Expression is a cornerstone of society, a way to tell someone what you're feeling without saying a single word. It's so deeply important for interpersonal communication and relationships, but often overlooked by its inherent subtlety.  These are the very reasons why actors have to get it right – they have to be able to match society and play characters, down to the musty subtle of details.

Social apps are often bashed for pulling people apart with the common example coming to mind of a group of friends out for dinner, ignoring each other for the allure of an unread twitter feed. While that may be true to an extent, the video and picture messaging apps are having quite the opposite effect.

A generation is being trained to produce and better recognise expression. The consequence of this being that these people will be able to communicate better, feel more in sync and have more meaningful and deeper connections.

So next time you see a young person taking a selfie, don't smirk. Think. Be envious. That person will most likely relationships better than most of us can ever dream. And who knows, perhaps they'll win an Oscar one day.


Quick Tip: Listen to All the Notifications

Quick Tip - You can listen to all the Notifications being sent around by passing in nil as the name to addObserverForName:* methods on a NSNotificationCenter instance.

This is particularly useful for snooping on other frameworks and around the many system notifications that get sent. Obviously, remove once you've found anything you're looking for :)

This has been a "Quick Tip" style post. Short, simple and to the point. What are  your thoughts on this style? Tell me on Twitter!

Tips for Writing a Great iOS Framework

With the rise of Cocoapods and the upcoming Swift Package Manager, a lot of devs are trying their hands at writing a framework/library for other developers to use (and that’s great, and you should!). However, writing a framework has a different mentality from writing regular app code, and there are a few tricks and tips worth knowing.

I’ve been working on a framework for a little over a year now, and have learned some things along the way.

Namespace your Code

Namespacing, the act of putting a few letters in front of our class name, is a big step in preventing collisions with other code. This is typically done with the author or Apple's name. For example, I could prefix my code with SAJ, so I would have SAJAppDelegate,SAJMyModel,SAJMyViewController as classes. For frameworks, 3 letter prefixes is best (thanks to those who pointed this out to me on twitter!).

Another place to do this, that people often forget is in your category methods. I recommend a 3 letter prefix before all category methods.

So, if you were to add a method to NSDate via a category that returned the nearest public holiday, you should name it something like saj_nearestBankHoliday, calling it like NSDate *easterFriday = [NSDate saj_nearestBankHoliday]; 

Use Nullability Annotations

For developers using Objective-C, one thing you can do to really give some love to your Swift users is to use Nullability Annotations. This will allow Swift users to properly know if properties, return values and arguments are able to be null or not.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *firstName;

- (void) greetPerson:(nonnull NSString *) personName { ... }

Use Generics

Another great way to to enhance the experience of Swift developers is to use generics. This allows you to specify a type of object that goes in things that typically accepted any ol' subclass of NSObject. Swift users will get a real object, rather than [AnyObject], which they don't have to cast to use properly. Yay.

For example, you can now specify an array is only full of strings

@property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSArray<NSString*> *names;

which will turn into

[NSString] in Swift.

Document Thoroughly

I might sound like a broken record now, but this is something a lot of developers simply don't put in the time to do. Write some damn comments. At the minimum, you should be writing documentation in all public header files, and if all source is exposed, on every method.

Things to include: params, return values, warnings, discussion, related methods

Bonus Tip: Use AppleDoc syntax, and CocoaPods will put you on CocoaDocs automatically.

NSHipster has a good article on this.

Never Assume What Thread You're Running On

Long story short, you don't get to control the instantiation of your classes or code when you're a framework. A lot of developers may choose to boot up your framework in the background after launch – so does this mean your app will crash? Does it touch the UI assuming it's on the main thread? In general, if your framework isn't touching the UI, it should run on a background thread and return to the main thread only when necessary so as to not slow down the host app. Be a good citizen.

More help.

Consider Xcode Version

When you're a framework, you have two users - The user of the App and the user of your code. Their tools, set up and stack may influence the design of the framework  - so be mindful of this. If you rely on features (such as those in newer versions of Xcode) you might be out of luck, since a lot of developers don't roll with the latest.

A while ago I did a survey and wrote about Xcode version, so have a read.

Enable Bitcode

Enable Bitcode!!! Seriously. An app can only support bitcode if all the included frameworks do too. So turn it on, and fix what you need to. You don't wanna be that one framework which means the app can't support bitcode. It's a fast way to be replaced.

Good Release Notes

Seems obvious, but it's something a lot of developers forget to do. Keep a public changelog. If you're all hip and use Github, just use the release page in combination with git tags. A good release notes log will help developers track progress of bugs, find stable versions and keep up to date. If they "watch" your repository, they'll get an email with release notes, too!

Example 😏

So that's it. A quick summary of some suggestions to make a better framework. Generally speaking, you need to think a bit harder than just what you're solving in code. Think about the developer experience (DX).

What are your tips? Ping me on twitter - I'm @samjarman with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them.

PPS: Michael, below, wrote a similar article. Check it out!