Learning Elixir: Part 3

Hi All, Wow, we're already at part 3 and we're barely scratching the surface. I see a long road ahead with so much more learning to do. On the more positive side; I'm getting it and I'm finding it quite enjoyable so far... so let's crack on, shall we?

In the last few days I did two more experiments to do some basic sending and receiving between erlang processes (which I've come to find is a term which is interchangeable with BEAM processes, which is what I really mean).

My first task was to build a function (based on the video I linked to in part 1) that did some distributed work. So for this, I declared a function that took a list and a function and then the function would be applied to each item in the list. This was somewhat similar to a map() function in functional programming. Here's the Elixir part, each function would be run inside it's own Erlang process. Neato.


So, walking through the code, first we make a reference to the process by calling it me. Then on the list, we then map over the list, creating a function that spawns a process, which inside that sends back to the parent process a PID (self) and the result of applying the function to the element. Then on that list of PIDs we receive the result, and presto-we have a list of results. Pretty neat. With the task above, what wouldn't work is if the process was more complex (say, not multiplying a number by itself) and the process was to error out, nothing would rescue that... so that leads me to my next task.

My second task was to start playing with the concept of supervision, a reasonably crucial one in Elixir. I wanted to implement from scratch a really simple supervisor that would look at a randomly failing process and make sure it stayed alive.


So what I've done here is declared a worker function which fails just a little bit of the time, and if it does, it'll tell it's master about it before exiting. If the master hears about this, it'll respawn it and start listening all over again. Take a read through the code.

My next task is to start implementing some proper Elixir projects. There are also a few good ones to contribute to out there. If you have any suggestions for projects... I'm all ears!

Have you also been learning Elixir or Erlang too? Do you have any tips or comments? I’d love to hear them and share them in an upcoming post. Ping me on twitter.

Learning Elixir: Part 2

Hey All, Thanks for reading my last post - since then I've been doing a little more hacking and watching.

I believe the important thing with learning a new programming language is to focus on its strengths and weaknesses rather than just the syntax difference. Syntax is something you can learn quickly, but knowing the strengths and weaknesses of any language of tool can take an indeterminate amount of time.


I prefer to learn by really getting into the head of the people who came up with the language. One of those is Robert Virding, one of the original team members who worked on Erlang at Ericsson.

Here's a talk by him describing the Rationale of Erlang.




Another great resource is The Zen of Erlang. This (long) read covers some of the core principles and the mindset of Erlang (all of which are applicable to Elixir) Some other things I plan to watch and read are Learn You Some Erlang and this other talk by Virding. I was also suggested a book called The Little Elixir and OTP Guide Book. Do you have any more to add to this list? Let me know.

I had some more progress to talk about in this post, but I'll leave it for next time in the interest of keeping these posts short and to the point.

Have you also been learning Elixir or Erlang too? Do you have any tips or comments? I'd love to hear them and share them in an upcoming post. Ping me on twitter.

Learning Elixir: Part 1

Hi All, This should be the first in a series of "Sam learns Elixir" type blog posts I plan on writing as I learn bits of Elixir.




I thought it'd be time to branch out from iOS for a bit and learn something completely new. At work, some of our team wrote a job processing system in Elixir and I'd like to be able to understand what the code actually does and be able to help the team where necessary.

What is Elixir?

Elixir is a functional programming language written on the BEAM VM. This is the same VM as Erlang uses. Erlang was written ages ago by Ericsson (the phone company, as in Sony Ericsson) to be highly fault tolerant and massively scaleable. So while the tech isn't new, Elixir is, and brings with it a trendier ruby-like syntax and features like Meta-programming.

First Experiment

So to start with, I watched this talk by Peter Broderick. My goal of this first session was to reproduce the code he wrote in the demo to a working level, and fix that code he couldn't at the end (under pressure, live coding sucks, definitely not judging him!).

SO, brew install elixirand let's go!

The command iexstarts a shell and you can start to play around with it.

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Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 7.53.35 AM

Some interesting things to note here are that tuples ({1, 2, 3}) are indexable but lists ([1,2,3]) are not. Lists are in fact implemented as Linked Lists, similar to those in Clojure/Lisp so you can get the head of the list and the "rest" of the list as I have done. Of course, Elixir has string and even a concept of symbols - but I'll probably explore both of those at a later time.

Another interesting thing here is the = operator which is actually doing pattern matching, not assignment, which is why I could write [head | tail] = [1,2,3]. Ultimately the same effect if you did something similar in python.

Second Experiment: Mix

Mix is the build tool in Elixir. It is similar to tools you may have used in Ruby/Rails land like bundler, the generators, gems etc where you can generate project and scaffolding files. I used it with the --bare switch to get a reasonably blank project.

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Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 8.08.17 AM

As you can see, out of the box, you'll get a bunch of sensible files and a test that passes. Then I implemented a few functions to try out the testing suite.


Additionally, similar to Python, Elixir has doc tests which I think are super cool. You can show the doctest how to interact with it as if you were in the shell and then it asserts the output. Neato.


Experiment 3: Recursion and Private Methods

After this, it was best to get my hands wet with some good ol' fashioned functional programming. So let's create a function which sums some numbers. In imperative programming languages, you could achieve this with a total variable and a loop, but that's a big no no in functional, so we'll use recursion instead.


We start off with one public function and two other, private functions (notice the defp). First we can define a function that takes a list and a total variable, where the list is pattern matched into some variables already (see the shell commands above). We'll have for use in this function a tail, a head and total.

For example, calling _sum([1,2,3], 0) would make the variables of head be 1, tail be [2, 3] and total to be 0.

We simply recurse and add it up and continue. The base case is defined above - if we're at an empty list (because the previous calls tail was an empty list) then we can stop and return the total. Sure, a bit complicated, but like all recursive programming it looks pointless on simple examples but looks amazing on harder examples, like tree traversal.

Add a few doctests, run mix test again and we see it works. Boom.

Also it seems that as a naming conventions, private functions are prefixed with _. (Update: Maybe not! Eduardo points out that a lot of Elixir is written in Elixir so that's where the conventions should come from!) Generally I find it a great idea to learn naming conventions alongside everything else with new programming languages. This'll stop the better developers cringing at your code when you inevitably ask for help :P

Experiment 4: Concurrency and Messaging

So I thought it was about time we get to the bit that makes Elixir cool, which is its concurrency model. Long story short, you can spin off threads (except don't call them that, call them Erlang or BEAM processes) trivially and send messages between them. Each process has a "mailbox" and processes communicate by sending messages to each other. Seems simple enough conceptually but obviously we're only scratching the surface of the surface :P

So let's create another process and get it to send us something.

First, we'll get a reference to the current process, by assigning it to a variable called me.

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Next we'll define a function that uses the send function to send me a tuple with the symbol :hello and the string "hello".

We'll the spawn a process with the spawn command, giving it that function. The process will die once the function has ran. And it's done. It's sent a message. We can check the contents of our main processes' inbox with the flush command.

But now we want to explicitly receive it, so we run it again to get another message in the inbox (previously made empty by flush) and we use a receive block to declare what to do with it. Again here, you see pattern matching taking place that assigns str to the second item of the tuple, if the first item is :hello. We can then print it by using IO.puts strand you see it in the output. Boom. From here you could imagine more complex send functions and receive blocks for many messages, although I'm not yet too sure on how simple they are kept in practice.

That's probably enough for today! There was a bit more in the video, and I did manage to fix Peter's code but I feel this is enough for a single post.

Where to from here? Let me know. Do you know any good learning resources... I'd love to hear about them. Ping me on twitter!